Grade | A | X | AX | PSC | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | T |
Screen Size | >17mm | Mixed | Mixed | >15mm | Mixed | Mixed | Mixed | Mixed |
Total defect per kg | 20 | 20 | 10 | 40 | 70 | 150 | <30% by weight / Kg defects exclude good broken beans | >30% by weight /Kg of defects exclude good half broken beans. No dust. |
Bean shape | Oval Smooth | Mixed Smooth | Mixed | Mixed | Mixed | Mixed Shape | Mixed Shape | Mixed Shape |
Bean colour | Bluish Green | Bluish Green | Light Green | Light Green | Light Green | Light Green | Greenish to Yellowish | Greenish to Yellowish |
Odour | Clean | Clean | Clean | Clean | Some fruitiness | Acceptable | No foul or foreign odour | No foul or foreign odour |
Cup Quality | Good to Good | Good to fine | Good to fine | Good, light, winery to fruity flavour | FAQ | FAQ | No foul or foreign flavour | No foul or foreign flavour |
Plantation AX | Excellent floral and herbal notes, well balanced, smooth finish, good acidity and body. |
Plantation A | Excellent floral and herbal notes, smooth finish, good body and acidity. |
Plantation X | Good body and acidity, smooth finish. |